Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Salutations and Good Tidings.
My good friend Razorbaxftw (http://threedruidnoob.blogspot.com/) has seduced me into posting on a blog to try and remedy some of the problematic thoughts or iritations that I may have. It might lead to nothing, but at least I can put my thoughts, mainly about World of Warcraft and other video games, onto somewhere and allow myself to not go completly crazy.
Let me explain a bit about myself:
I live in Central Florida and spend the majority of my time engrossed in either World of Warcraft or other various video games. I enjoy going to see movies, or reading a book or manga. Aside from the people from my workplace, I don't really talk to many people face to face and I generally keep to myself unless using the anonymity of the internet. While I dont have a favorite movie, I do have favorite movies in each specific genre at this point, coming from the previous job experience in movie retail. I watch and own a ridiculous amount of TV box sets and my favorite show to this point is "House."
My hobbies not associated with gaming or WoW are not very impressive. I was an member of the International Thespian Society and did performing arts in acting for six years and performance singing for eight years. I have a bit of an interest in voice acting and have tried, and failed, in various auditions over the course of the last decade.
I try to be analytical and objective in all my thoughts, and for the most part I am. There are subjects and ideas that I cannot keep from getting too, hmm, involved in.
Aside from that there really isnt anything that I can say without being asked.
Bugged or Annoyed i can see, but seduced?
Yes, seduced.
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